Sunday, August 5, 2012

Senior year

It's my 3rd month on being a senior student in college. And to be honest, it's not an easy deal. HAHA. It's been 2 months yet it feels like I've been through a lot because most of my time was either doing something or doing another thing. In short, we were all to busy to pay attention to time.

We're using all the time we have left to gather data for our thesis, which is due first week of September and we still have 2 chapters to finish! Then here comes our never-ending duties, which gets tougher then suddenly laid back by the second. We have lesser classes to attend to compared to last year's, but they're nowhere as  hectic. Plus there's our Competency Appraisal where we have to spend our whole Saturday reviewing for a major subject that we already studied during our earlier years. AND the professors are talking non-stop - not the classroom conventional type of speed which takes minutes to finish one slide, but the "whoa-what-did-he/she-just-said" speed. (It's a bit pressure though, because of where it all boils down = the overrated boards exams.)

But one's not supposed to be hanging on the negative side of things. Pressure is stress. Stress is a potent killer. So what to do? Make lemonades! Haha, okay I meant Positivism :)). I don't wanna be the pessimist that I was before, and I should start looking on the bright side. Hey, sooner when all the first sem school stuff is finished, I get to have a week or two-long vacation, and maybe even travel. Or I get watch a theatre play I've always dreamed of watching. And when 2nd sem starts, we have lesser classes and more duties but that's okay, I'll have more time studying the Bible to deepen my understanding.

Did I mention that I actually had to let go of some things that are actually important to me? Yes I did. To have my mind work with time, I had to go on break with my piano lessons. I also had to be on hiatus with my craft-making. Lastly, my camera is out of sight most of the time. But I still managed to use them when I have the time.

>Using my new micro step up filter :)

Flowie :)

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