Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hey Hey HEEEY!

I can't believe how fast time comes! It's already half of 2013 and I wasn't even able to make most progress with this diary.. (shame I know!) Not just that, I've broken my promise on uploading new photos, videos, and changing my url.. Well I did try, but the domain host that I bought from had issues with blogger which made me unable to change it despite the many attempts I did. So yes, peekaboostars will be here for now.

Kidding aside, the reason for my unnerving in-and-out MIA was that I got caught up in my studies - I was a graduating student, with grades that I had to protect and review studies to focus on, because it could either break or make my leg for the PNLE. LOL. Back in the day, I was always pinned as a multi-tasker, which I always was. But it was never a good thing for me, a hindrance in fact, because I keep losing the things that are much more important. Not that I don't like multitasking, I actually like doing it. It's just that there are things that you need to focus on more, but never forgetting the others that come with it. You get me, right? So that's what I did. I focused more on the real world - what a 20-year old student should be doing at school, taking my duties seriously (though I was getting really tired of the shifts), arranging my requirements for the board exam (yes, I'm a nursing student :]), mentally, physically and emotionally prepared myself for the exams during the in-house review (during your summer vacation y'all) -- All while taking less pictures, playing the piano less, drawing less. In short, I did my hobbies less. I admit, I slightly regretted that, I missed taking pictures so much. But it was for the best. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I would not be able to focus well if I hadn't made such a decision...

Now, PNLE was done (last June 2-3)! I can finally breathe! The exam was really tricky, the kind that makes you think, "oh this is easy.." and then you try to read question again with the choices and you're like, "oh, maybe not. This IS hard.." Yes, I had to read some of the questions again and again because the choices are tad too similar to differentiate from each other. Not to mention the room assignment given to us wasn't conducive enough for critical thinking -- open windows on a hot day with a bulldozer on the side x_x

Now that all of that was done, I wanna make up for the time lost. I want to get in touch with old friends (whom I always told my I'm-not-available-due-to-review reasons), raise myself spiritually and immerse myself in Bible studies, upload those photos that are stuck on my harddrive for like, a year now :)), and all that shazz....But I'll be needing more help from Mr. Motivation though.. Because right now, I'm an unemployed, lazy bum in the house. I literally had to push myself out of bed at 6:30am just to maintain my body clock (and I'm grateful my body is still waking me up) and try to make myself useful by running errands, trying to drive again (after almost 2 months of no contact from outside world), and choosing healthy lifestyle and exercise. I'm still waiting for the results, hopeful that I pass >_< They say the results will come out next week. ugh.

That's all though ;) Sorry for all the wordiness :)) I'm really glad I had taken this out, writing makes me think and sort out my feelings on different matters. If you read it 'till the last, I appreciate that, thank you, whoever you are!

Enough of the wordy me, here're photos for today :D

I believe I have not introduced this little gem here. This is DeeSy! I got her last March, thanks to dear mamita and daddita, when they visited Busan, SKr. Since then she's the one I kept using in my recent photographs.
 I've been using Dee-three (D3000) for a good 3 years now and the upgrade was a great deal! I've always wished I could take videos with my own dslr, but Dee-three could never do that. So my good friends who own such dslrs are generous enough to let me borrow theirs, especially when we have video projects and stuff. 

Dee-three is still doing great, and I don't have any plans of selling or leaving her soon. She's been a very good camera all these years and it's because of her that I was able to grow into this craft. I might make a tribute post for her soon :)

  Back view of D7000. You might see some scratches, sorry, D3000 may be a little rusty now.

Top view. I love how there's more controls on manual mode, plus High ISO! It still needs getting used to :P

That's pretty much it for today!
Have a great weekend ahead,

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