Friday, August 12, 2011

Universal Studios, SG

Day 3 was spent solely on walking around Sentosa's newly opened Universal Studios :D

Let me take you to Harbour Front!
It's a connecting line to VivoCity, where you can either ride the monorail or soar with the cable cars to Sentosa.

I heard VivoCity's a buzzy place. But during our stay it wasn't as buzzy as they said it was.

I love that pink monorail :)

Let your dreams take flight...

Just like any Universal studios theme park, you can't miss the way they actually "theme" the place. Every detail is placed in every space, kind of like the way Bach writes his pieces - every space has to have a note.
Plus, their merchandise are so cute :D

Battlestar Galactica and the Dino Soarin'
This ride was under maintenance though. :|

Their foods are yummy too! And yes, there's a dinosaur inside the restaurant! Told you they like to keep the details :P

Waterworld Action show

Their sandy dessert side.

The Castle, and Shrek's Father-in-Law.

Of course, every theme park has its waterparks made especially for the children and teenagers alike. You can play with the water and get wet for as long as you want! Just bring extra clothes to change into with a nearby restroom.

GROUP PHOTO! I wish I could do this, haha. But since my siblings aren't interested in things like this, I didn't wanna spoil their fun. They like to ride the attractions more than to get wet. "We always get wet in Phils. There's a lot of swimming pool there," they say. HAHA. They have a point :P
Hmm, maybe I'll wait until I'll visit again with some friends :)
The kids looked like they were having fun, really! I took these photos while sitting on a nearby Dino restaurant a few meters away, which is why the kids didn't notice me taking these photographs (zoom lenses, Iloveyou :])

Technically speaking, their park isn't big as the one in Florida (Orlando, FL houses some of the biggest theme parks ever), it's more like the one in LA. Univ studios FL is divided into two main theme parks - Univ studios FL and Islands of Adventure, with Wet n' Wild on the side - each of which is subdivided again into different sections. BUUT! Singapore has rides unique to their own - namely, Battlestar Galactica.

moore Uber cute merchandise.

More water, yes? :))

I just had to post this, don't you find the Candylicious store cute? :3

I hope you enjoyed the little tour about SG's newest theme park. The night is long, tata for now. :D (the picture by the way is along Orchard road)

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