Monday, December 19, 2011

one fine Monday afternoon

This week starts our winter/xmas/end-of-the year break. I'm pumped up to use it wisely, and part of that is to finish my requirement for our Psychiatric nursing subject - to make a scrapbook. It typically includes one's life from infancy up to present. We're supposed to pass it before our mental health rotation, so yeah, I had to scan most of my old photos. I was surprised by how my mom diligently took photos of our every move during our developmental milestone :)), no wonder I loved taking photos. It was still film then, so it must've costed much.

I'm quite happy with how the photos came out :).

on the side... After having the photos printed and paying my online orders I went home. I usually ride the mini cab inside the subdivision but I decided to walk this time. I figured I needed some fresh air and exercise. Plus, I brought Dee-three with me :D I'll let the pictures do the talking :)

The pine trees give the place a different feel to it. [especially in pictures haha]

Vines crawling upon an old wall.

The sad fate of an abandoned building, that was once a future home.

This dog was curious as to what I'm holding, whilst not knowing he's being captured by Dee-three.

Home from a distance.

Another sunset, and just like that, another day ends.

A few hours later, my mom asked me to fetch my siblings from the guardhouse, like she usually does. They just finished watching the new installment to Mission Impossible and was on their way home. 

While waiting in the guardhouse, I picked up Dee-three and snapped some photos. Yes, I was alone with momsie's car :)).

...and I just realized, I became their official driver. =))

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